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Wooden Surface

The Blinn Team


Rick Blinn

My dad was a salesman for Procter & Gamble so I grew up around sales people. I began my own sales career at about 12 years old when I went door to door in our neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio to build a lawn mowing business. I ended up with 6 yards and mowed them for the next 4 years until I got a retail selling job.


After college, I had various sales positions. In 2006, I had a discussion with my brother about real estate. He worked at P&G like my dad and ended up as a vice president of sales and marketing. He said, “You would be great at it.” So, I trusted his opinion and chose to pursue Real Estate as a career.


I have been in the Real Estate business ever since that 2006 conversation. I have learned that I cannot convince anyone to sell a house they do not want to sell. Or convince someone to buy a house they don’t want to buy. The only thing I can do is persuade them that I am the best agent to help them with either of those transactions.


It is all about the client’s needs and wants.

Joan Blinn

Prior to Real Estate, I wore other hats. I was an RN and worked in labor and delivery. After our over-sized family grew, I wore hats related to my home front and focused on family and homeschooling my children for 25 years.


Those seasons provided me with many transferable skills regarding communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution and negotiating, organization skills, and project management. 


In this season, Rick and I are committed to guiding families so that they can make the very best decisions regarding their home. My passion is to be a trusted consultant so that families can make informed and confident decisions and successfully get to the closing table when it is time for a move. 



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